Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

A day late :/. I worked on this post,  but yet again didn't get to finish it.  

I am thankful for so many things I my life! The obvious: family, friends, food, clothing, shelter, my health and my new job/hobby.  

And it is obvious I am extra thankful this year for all the wonderful changes happening with Rachel!  Especially for the prayers being said on our behalf for her continued progress and well being.  I have been overwhelmed with the out pouring of support we have gotten lately! I know there is something extra about her that warms your heart.  But you all will never know how much your support means to our family!!  

On a lighter note,  I am thankful that I live in the south!  St Louis was missing several of my southern staples!  For starters they don't have sweet tea!!  *gasp!* What??  It is true!  I went an entire week without this wonderful beverage!!  The horror!  This is their idea of sweet tea!  

We southerners know you can't properly sweeten already made tea with sugar and expect it to taste right.  It just loses something.  And I am sure not going to make fake tea ( my term for tea made with artificial sweetener, bleck!). So I am thankful to live in a state that when I order tea, it is already sweetened!!

Also, I am thankful I live close to a Starbucks!  I haven't always been a coffee drinker, infact I never drank it until college, and even then it was sporadic.  But slowly I have weaned myself off soft drinks only to realize I have replaced it with coffee.  Still not a huge coffee drinker,  I have one maybe two cups a week.  But in emotionally draining situations and times when I need the caffeine to keep me going the only thing that will do is Starbucks.  Yes, I am an emotional latte drinker, I guess it could be worse. There was 1 Starbucks in the hospital complex, hidden in a bookstore, and I didn't see ANY in our exploration of St Louis.  The one SB the hospital had was not easy to find!  I even got lost on my journey through the super labyrinth of "links" that connected each building, see exhibit 1

But that pumpkin spice latte was worth the mile I had to walk to get it!  

Mostly this week I am very thankful to be home with all of my family!  

And for silly moments like this Rhett monster foot photobomb!

Thankful for sloppy puppy dog kisses!

Thankful for all of this and much much more!!!

Love, Jennifer

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