Sunday, November 17, 2013

Adventure to St Louis Part 1...

We have made it to St Louis safe and sound!!  Started out from Greenville at 10:25 this morning.  Everything to Atlanta was smooth sailing!

We had some good music to listen to on the flight.  Even though we didn't listen to a whole song before she would change it 😕

Some new books and tiny friends too also helped to pass the time!  Lots and lots of waiting!

Finally! After siting almost an hour on the plane for something mechanical to be changed we departed from Atlanta for St. Louis!

Beautiful view from our seats!!

Our decent into St Louis was bumpy to say the least.  It was super windy and the plane tossed like a roller coaster.  The only person on the whole plane that didn't seem to be effected by all the turbulence was Rachel.  The girl didn't flinch once!!

Here are some pics of the Mighty Mississippi River.  If you look closely you can see the Arch.  You can see the shadow in the river better than the Arch itself.  Sorry,  didn't realize there were finger print smudges on my phone camera!!  Oops!

It was really cool to see the river and the Arch.  Hopefully we can go get a closer look tomorrow.  

Everything so far has been good,  well,  with the exception of the delay.  But it could have been worse, so I am thankful it wasn't that bad.  

And I wanted to thank all our friends and family for your support!!  Your prayers and thoughtful words really mean a lot to us!!!  Also,  I want to think the person in the Atlanta airport who bought our lunch!  We have no idea who you are, but that was an amazing gift!!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

And...  Back on the farm...
Rhett is had a great day with his aunt Mimi, uncle Dave and Granddaddy.  They wore him out!  Feeding the ducks at Furman, Falls park, and eating okra at Mutts!  

Nice job, guys!!!!!

Pre-op is in the morning.  I will try to update again tomorrow night 😉

With love and thanks,

1 comment:

  1. Love to hear you got there safely. Excited for the next update. lots of love and prayers!!! Bari :)
