Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Adventure Home

I started this post before we left St. Louis and it got lost some how.  Then I started it again and things kept getting in the way!  Love life!!
Ok,  so here is a recap of our last day in SL.  She had one therapy session that consisted of a lot of standing,  some walking and some strength exercises.  All of which Rachel was ready to do.  Here is a short video of her trying out her walker for the first time post-op.  I am still amazed!

I will have to get more video soon because she has made more progress since this!

Our plane ride home was good.  We had the best pilot for our trip from Atlanta to Greenville!  He saw us waiting with Rachel and arranged for us to board well before anyone else,  helped us with our carry-ons, walked us to our seat and took care of stowing Rachel's stroller!  Then got her candy!!  After the flight he was waiting with her stroller to help us up from the plane!!  You couldn't have asked for more!  Thank you, thank you, thank you, Captain Russ!!!!  

We got home around 10:30 Sunday night.  Bruce went first thing and picked up the Rhett monster and the kids and I headed to our first therapy session!  Our therapist were over the moon with the amount of progress Rachel had already made and how well the Dorsal Rhizotomy elevated the spasticity in Rachel's legs and hips!!!  It is like having a brand new kiddo!  And the rate she is going at picking up new skills is mind boggling!  I told her therapist it was like we started at square one but on a warp speed path!  Things that took months to master before are taking days.  And she is in love with her new ORANGE walker and the stander we have borrowed to rebuild her booty muscles.
Here she is in the stander...


I wanted to give out a BIG THANK YOU to Rachel's teachers and classmates!!  They sent her get well letters!  She has read each and everyone of them!  And she always has the nicest things to say about each friend!  

She can't wait to get back to school,  she misses it so much!  I think that will be the hardest part of this journey for her.  

And I can't forget to mention sweet Rhett!!!  He was well taken care of by my in-laws and my sister and her husband!  I couldn't wai to get my arms around him and give his squishy cheeks lots of kisses!  He has been so good to Rachel. He will bring her drinks, make sure she has the toys she wants and is comfortable, he also peppers her with kisses and hugs!!  Hard to remember sometimes he is just 3!!  

I will try not to let so much time lag before the next post!!  Sorry about the delay!
Your prayers are greatly appreciated!!!


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