Monday, November 18, 2013

Adventure to St Louis Part 2...

Day 2 
We spent the morning going from pre-op appointment to Pre-op appointment.  Not too bad.  They were quick to move us from place to place without a lot of down time.  Way more efficient than some other places we have been that shall remain nameless 😉.   

During the appointment with Dr Park we heard the words we have been dying to hear for almost 7 years...
After this surgery Rachel "Will achieve independent walking with in a year." !!!!!!  It was all I could do to keep my composure and not totally break down I to a puddle of tears on the floor!  Other activities like bike riding and swimming are going to be in her future as well!  
Yes, without a doubt this is the scariest thing we have EVER considered, but it will be the most worth while procedure.  Dr Park is amazing and has performed this surgery over 2,600 times.  He was very optimistic about the results for Rachel.  I know he had to wonder if we were excited at all,  I am pretty sure both of us were stone face trying not to cry.  He also told us she will have better range of motion in her left arm, the likelihood of future orthopedic surgeries will be slim to none, and this will prevent premature aging of her body that many individuals with CP experience.  

We are very excited to see how she progresses post-op.  I know we have a long road in front of us but it will be well worth the journey!!  

Surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am,  she is up first.  It will last 2 1/2- 3 hours but she will be in the OR for 4 hrs.  

Thank you all for the prayers already said and the ones that will come later!!!!  They mean so much to us!!

Well, on a lighter note,  we spent the afternoon seeing a few of the sights around St Louis.  We went to the zoo, saw the Gateway Arch and the Mississippi River.

First we grabbed some lunch at a favorite local Pizza place called Pi.  Very interesting!  We ordered what we thought was a normal pizza,  here is what we got...

At first look it was hard to tell if we got what we ordered, beef and pepperoni.  But sure enough it was.  We dubbed it the inside out pizza,  the cheese was on the crust, then the toppings, then the sauce ( which was über chunky, and those of you who know me know I don't do chunky! ). After a little modification we enjoyed our inside out pizza.  Not sure if this is unique to this place or if this is how all pizzas are in St. Louis.  

Then it was off to the zoo.  

Huge zoo,  very very nice and FREE!!!!  It was a little on the windy side and cool,  but we had a good time!  Rachel got to visit their indoor Butterfly Atrium,  she loves butterflies!  And we rode the train around the park.  

Caught a glimpse of some huge Hippos

Then made the trek across town to check out the Arch.  It is impressive for sure.  None of us were brave enough to ride the elevator to the top.  So we just took lots of pictures.  

Passed by the Cardinals Stadium...

Saw where they make beer...

Ending the day introducing Rachel to a classic... Goonies!!!  She wasn't too impressed 😕. Sometimes I wonder how she is my child 😜

Ready to get in the bed now!  
Thank you all again for the many prayers!!!


  1. Please tell Miss Rachel that I missed my music buddy today. Prayers and hugs are being sent to you all! Mrs. Duncan

    1. She misses you so much! She was not happy she wasn't coming to school this morning!!! But she will be back very soon!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love it!!!! I am so glad meeting with Dr. went so well! We will be in prayer as we wait on the edge of our seats for the news tomorrow!!

    LOVE the pix of Rachel watching goonies. Hysterical!

    bari :)
