Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Adventures From the Hospital Bed

Well,  we survived day 1!  
Silver linings... 
*Rachel doesn't seem to be in any pain!  Whooo hoooo!  
*No vomiting or apparent nausea!!  This one is HUGE!!
*She has an appetite and has been eating, very slowly.  I am only giving her tiny bites over time.  I really don't want to see this food again!
*When I went to adjust her blankets this morning I noticed how far apart her legs were!!  They are usually glued together!  

I don't know if you can really tell from this pic but her legs are on either side of the wedge!!

This is Rachel's view at the moment.  I am thinking I need one of these at home!!

Really the only struggle we are dealing with is keeping her occupied and still!!  She has until Friday morning to lay down.  I know how hard this is for an adult, but I can't imagine how awful this is for a 6yr old!!

Now, on to surviving day 2!!!


  1. Yay, how awesome! So many blessings.

  2. I am so glad Miss Rachel is doing well. We read her update every morning before we start our day. Mrs. Payne says "hello!" Hugs!
