Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Bit About The Little r

I thought since I shared so much about Rachel, Big R's story,  I needed to keep things even and introduce Little r, The Rhett Monster.  He came into the world a bit too early too,  but nowhere near as early as Rachel.  He was 3lbs 2oz at birth and did 4 weeks in the NICU.  But you would never know it today!  He is all boy!!  Running, jumping, and getting dirty while making plenty of noise are his specialities.   Oh,  and I cannot forget to mention his obsession with superheroes! Who knows how he learned all of their names,  but he knows them all!!!  He loves to pretend he is a superhero saving the day.

This year he has started preschool and loves every second of it!  I love to see the excitement in his face when he bolts for his classroom as soon as we arrive.  I hope he always has that zest for school.

He is a very sweet boy!  Rhett's compassion for Rachel is amazing!  He loves her and takes care of her.  He will usually share what ever he has with her,  I think that is very unusual for a 3 yr old.  

The kid also has a passion for running!  I hope we can do some fun runs with him soon!!  

We truly are blessed to have this boy as part of our family!

1 comment:

  1. He's my super hero!!!! You have two incredible children! But what would you expect from an incredible mom!!! Love you all
