Saturday, November 23, 2013

More Therapy Adventures

As I a typing this,  Rachel is sitting in the bed behaving as if she ate an entire bowl of candy!!  A one word description would be: wired!!  Is this a child who just had major surgery earlier in the week?  She has been cutting up with the nurses and techs and pretty much anyone that will stop and talk to her!  

I, for one, am totally in awe of how well she is doing.  This is so not how I saw things playing out in my head.  I sure am grateful for this alternate story line!  I was prepared for days and days of a cranky girl who would in a great amount of pain and not ready to do things,  especially when it came to trying anything independently.  We did have a little bit of a rough start at our first therapy session this morning.  She got a little nauseous and woozy.  But thanks to the efforts of Bruce and the PT they did a great job of distracting her and getting her to regroup!!!  It was smooth sailing from then on out!  She went through all her stretches and some muscle strengthening exercises.  Then we worked on sitting, crawling and tried a little more walking.  The first attempt at walking was awkward,  but she tried her best!  And her knees!!  All I can say is wow!!  It was like she was marching!  
(I will try to get video tomorrow, I had no space left on my phone :/)

Second session went really well right off the bat!  We started with riding the bike.  She did really well pushing off,  how ever she did get several speeding tickets and pulled over for driving like a mad woman! Next was more sitting to relearn balance,  then did some standing.  Lastly we tried walking again.  It was slow to start but she did about a 1/4 of their track and didn't drag either foot at all!!  I can't wait to see how she does tomorrow with her walker!!  

One thing I find amazing is her drive to go  go go now!  She starts to initiate rolling over and sitting up and doesn't wait on help!  We were told that for several weeks we had to move her certain ways to help her sit up and roll over, but she has beaten us to the punch and already trying to do those things by herself.  

I am sorry there are no pictures today!  I will work on making room on my phone for pics for tomorrow!!

Good night all!

PS: Go Tigers!!!  

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