Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hospital Bed Day 2....

This laying flat on our back is for the birds!!  It is not going over well at all.  Poor girl!  I know it was hard for me during my bed rest and I fully understood what was going on.  But for a 6yr old that doesn't full understand this is possibly the worst form of torture ever invented!  She is very limited in the things she can do and I know she has to be uncomfortable.  But it has gotten better as the day has gone by.  And as I am typing this we are T-minus 13hrs until she can get out of bed for the first time!!

We have been able to keep her some what occupied thanks to our good buddy Steve Jobs and who ever invented the TV.   

We also got a very sweet treat today!  Check out these yummy cookies!!!  Lord help us all try not to eat every single one! I have to come up with a creative way to share.  Simply telling people to take one isn't working.  And they are calling my name LOUDLY!!!

I really wish I could say that they just look pretty and really have no flavor,  but unfortunately that is not the case :(. 

The BIG silver lining and saving grace of the day is the promise of what tomorrow brings!!  For the adults it is to see what other fantastic results of this surgery we are going to be able to see.  But for Rachel tomorrow is going to be the best day ever!  Wanna know why?  Can you guess?  If you know Rachel you can probably guess correctly.  Check it out in her own words...

Girl is ready to get out of this bed!!!!!  

Well,  it is getting late,  so I am going to snuggle with this little girl the best I can in this tiny bed!!  I will let you all know how tomorrow goes!! 


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