Monday, December 2, 2013

For the love of Christmas

I love holidays!  And it was always my hope that my kids would love them just as much as I do.  I want to craft, bake, see lots of lights, sing, dance, and come up with family traditions that will carry through to the next generation, maybe even further.  I am talking full on Southern Living, Family Fun, magazine worthy holidays!!!   My sister and I did a good bit of this as kids.  We got to make ginger bread houses, we always had a big complicated puzzle to work on over the break, games to play, lights to see.  My mom did a good job starting traditions with us.  

The first few years after Rachel was born it was hard for me to get into the spirit, even though I really wanted to and I wanted to start big traditions early!!  It was just difficult.  And Rachel has just never been one to get really excited about Santa, presents, the Christmas season, or any holiday season really.  Who knows why really,  most likely do to overstimulation.  

Then along came my little Rhett-ster!!!  

I think this pic from our card last year says it ALL!!!!  Oh, yeah!  I finally have a partner in holiday crime!  Watch out world, this is one holiday lovin' boy!  
(To Rhett's future spouse: you're welcome! ;) ) 

His excitement was evident last year starting with Halloween.  But this year it's on a whole other level!  Every pumpkin, no matter how small, got recognition, every witch, ghost, monster and goblin was pointed out and deemed "spooooooooooky".  Then it was on to thanksgiving,  not as big of a fan,  but was still excited.  I'll work on that. 

Now it is time for Christmas and this child of mine can hardly contain his excitement!!!  Every bow on a lamp post, snowman, wreath, house with lights, and anything the least bit festive gets a nod from Rhett.  He has to make sure you know he has seen it and that you see it too.  He kinda reminds me of Buddy from the movie "Elf"  

This is so Rhett!
We got out the boxes of decorations and I physically could not keep him from opening them and starting to decorate!!!  He knows exactly where everything should go...  
 It all needs to be at Rhett level!  So he can interact with it on a hourly basis.  

Wreaths go on the inside of the door on the handle, right?  Sure!  Why not!

Everyone should have snowman buddy to carry around and help you make decorating decisions.  It's essential!

A snowflake pillow for your chair...

Got to have a reindeer, too!


Now!  To sit back on a snowman pillow and admire the handy work!  

This year will be awesome!  Can't wait to see how decorating the tree turns out!!

Stay tuned!

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