Sunday, December 8, 2013

Baby Steps

A little progress here a little progress there.  I will take it!  Any progress is good progress.  Rachel is doing very well recovering and getting back to pre-op activities.  We have been very busy traveling to and from therapy and keeping up with all the at home therapy.  We have gone from barely taking a step or two with the walker to walking several laps around the house in a very short period of time.  I told our therapist it is like watching years worth of progress happen in just weeks.   I though I would post several progressive clips of Rachel Walking.  Here goes....

I am sorry for the awkward angle,  I was afraid to get too far in front of her at this early stage.  When ever she stopped walking she would collapse.

And this last one was taken on Friday at therapy.  I hope you can see how much she has changed in just a week!!!  Blows my mind!

And check out the bench Bruce made for us to do all our sit to stands and other fun workout therapy moves!!!

The best news as far as Rachel is concerned is she gets to start back to school tomorrow!!!  She is so ready to see her friends and her teachers!  We will start with half days and see how she does.  And the cherry in her cupcake is getting to go to the Fresh Beat Band concert on Wednesday!  She is more excited about this than anything ever!!  Should be interesting!!!  

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how incredible she looked on Friday at therapy! Go Rachel!! That one week change is mind blowing.

    We'll be praying for an awesome transition back to school :)

    bari :)
