Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Adventure of a Lifetime!

TIME. OF. HER. LIFE!!!!!!!!!
There really is no other way to describe the events of last night.  Time of her life!!  

It was magic from the very beginning of the concert.  (My accounts are mostly second hand because Rhett, my mom and I had different seats). She was in awe from the minute the Fresh Beats took the stage!

We could see her bouncing and dancing to the songs.  She knows every word by heart.  Twist (the guy in yellow and blue) stopped his speaking part to tell her hello when she yelled "Hi Twist".  Her seats were front row right next to the stairs in the middle of the stage.  During some parts of the performance the band comes into the crowd.  Shout ( the boy in orange) came straight to her and gave her a hug!  

Rhett was in shock I think.  He sat with his jaw open and bug eyed for the first 15 minutes or so.

He warmed up though.  And let me tell you,  this boy has his mom's dancing genes ;)  (again girls,  you are welcome!)

Well....  Ok, maybe we need to hone these skills a bit,  but at least he is willing to bust a move!
The played it loud like a rock star....

And we all reached for the sky!

Then for Rachel and Bruce the fun really began.  We had gotten her VIP passes to go back stage and meet the band.  Now by meet the usually mean you stand in line, sit in a chair in the middle of the band, smile and have your picture taken. Well,  in true Rachel fashion, this was taken a few levels beyond a meet and greet!  This girl now has 4 new best friend!
They requested that she be first in line!!!
And she got to spend some SERIOUS quality time with the band!!!  

Best friends, I tell you!!

She even got a kiss on the cheek from Shout and a big hug!!
These actors did not have to do so much to make her day.  Just a hand shake and a picture would have put her over the top.  They completely when above and beyond to give this special little girl of ours the time of her young life!!  I know the time they spent with her means the world to Rachel!  She will always remember how wonderful they were to her!!!
Thank you Fresh Beat Band for making this an unforgettable experience for Rachel!!
And a big thank you to grandma for helping make this experience possible!!!

PS,  Rhett,  I am so sorry I didn't buy you the VIP tickets too!!  Worst mother of the day award goes to me for that stellar decision!!  I will make it up to you buddy!!  Xoxoxoxox

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