Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Let's play catch-up

Life just never slows down, does it?  And the more I try to make it go slower the faster it gets!!!
Rachel continues to make progress at therapy.  Things aren't as dramatic as they were in the beginning,  but we are still working hard.  We had to have her SMOs re-casted, as often happens with these devices,  they were too wide for her skinny little foot :(  and we just got the new ones yesterday.  They are perfect and she should be able to switch to them full time very soon!  I am very excited for her.  I don't think she really cares.  But that is ok.  
And our little Rhett monster is full of himself lately!  He lives in superhero world full time now!!  The things his little imagination come up with astound me!!  Sitting at lunch one day he decoded he was Iron Man.  Everytime he wanted to say something or take a bit of food he would "push a button" on his helmet to open it, "whoosh", the. Would close it when he was done.  This kid cracks me up!!!!  He also keeps his other super friends on speed dial.  I have got to get some video of this!!!  

Little reward treat after school!!

Giving all the super friends a check up, you know, because battling evil villains can take a toll!!